davidwb's iMET5 stuff


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Friday, March 07, 2003

I wish my DO would get their act together. We've been waiting for a whole year, knowing that we're transferring. They finally posted the core positions (internal only--I'll keep you posted if external openings appear).

Interesting aside: When they made their initial "core" postings in December, they left out several classes that are required of all students (among them Health and Computers). It was quite a fight to convince them that, since it's Required, it's NOT an Elective class. It took the personnel office quite a while to understand that.

Anyway, we just got the postings this week, to close Friday. Interviews are scheduled next Friday and the Friday following, but then they won't let us know until the end of April.

All the while we're dealing with needing to set-up our programs for next year. Going to be a long summer (which they've told us we probably won't get paid for).

In addition, they won't even make a decision as to what equipment and books can be considered grade-level-only and moved with the program. Just one more thing...

The research project is starting to stress me out. How do I decide on a topic if I don't have a clue what I'm going to teach next year? etc, etc. Very frustrating.