davidwb's iMET5 stuff


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Sunday, August 24, 2003

While I'm blogging:

Thought you'd want to know that the school where I'll be teaching this fall still isn't done. Many of the classrooms are complete, but the counters need touch-up work. My room, however, is Phase 2 (started later, when they knew they had the money to finish). I'll be surprised if it gets done in time. OK, I'll be shocked!

On the other hand, I spoke with my teaching partner for the first time this evening, and we'll get together briefly tomorrow. She sounds nice, and has 2 little kids just like I do. Should be fun.

Hope all of you enjoy your final week of freedom. I know I will!

Found this in another blog, and I think it accurately (to a point) covers what I've been feeling:

When running a marathon, there are people along the route cheering as runners past. Sometimes friends and family will run a few miles alongside a participant and encourage them to take the next step, to make it to the next mile marker. There are those along the course that provide water, sports drinks, and energy bars. When people grieve there are those who assist and give encouragement: family, clergy, support groups. In the end, however, the grieving process is something people have to accomplish by themselves. It’s something that requires every ounce of strength and all your mental energy to complete.

This is from http://widower.diaryland.com/030724_29.html; he tells a wonderful story, and brings hope to me especially. I hope this helps understand how I feel, too, even after 2 years in mourning.

My only disagreement, and I think it's more a matter of time/feeling than anything else, is that I don't expect to ever "complete" the mourning process. My wife has been gone for just a little over 2 years, and I still think about her every day. Don't cry as often as I used to (though this evening I did, in reaction to a song in a movie my kids were watching). That said, I can't foresee the day when the hole will be filled completely. Perhaps since Widower has gone on that day will come.

For those who haven't read his site, it's worth reading the whole thing. Wish I could write like that.
